sober living California

For people who achieve a year of sobriety, less than half relapse. If you can remain sober for five years, your chance of a relapse is less than 15%.

Do you want to set yourself up for long-term success? Consider a sober living California plan. Gathering the right tips and resources could help you maintain your sobriety.

With the right tools at your disposal, you can improve your quality of life.

Not sure where to get started? Here are the tips you need for success. With these sober living Southern California tips, you can stay happy and healthy.

Instead of relapsing, you can enjoy your best life!

Get started with these easy tips today.

1. Know Your Triggers

When building your sober living California plan, it’s important to recognize your personal triggers. External triggers can include:

  • People
  • Places
  • Things
  • Situations

These factors could cause thoughts or cravings that can lead to substance abuse.

You’ll need to consider your internal triggers, too. Internal triggers include thoughts, feelings, and emotions. For example, you might try to cope with stress by turning toward substance abuse.

Other common triggers include:

  • Work problems
  • Financial issues
  • Environmental cues that lead to cravings
  • Emotional distress
  • People who still use drugs or drink
  • Relationship issues

Make a list of all the triggers that have led you to drink or use drugs in the past. Then, make an effort to avoid those triggers.

For example, you might want to avoid going to parties for a while, especially if there’s drinking. Let your inner circle know you’re trying to avoid these triggers. They can help you make positive decisions moving forward.

In some cases, a relapse can sneak up on you. You can’t always avoid a trigger. For example, someone you know who still uses drugs might show up unannounced.

It can help you recognize your warning signs. Your warning signs involve three phases: emotional, mental, and physical relapse.

For example, you might:

  • Begin engaging in self-defeating or compulsive behaviors
  • Return to old, addictive thought patterns
  • Find yourself in situations where drugs or alcohol could help you escape from your pain
  • Start thinking less rationally
  • Begin behaving less responsibly
  • Begin seeking people, places, or situations that involve drug or alcohol use

Recognizing these warning signs can help you avoid them. You can then make the most of your sober living California lifestyle.

2. Avoid Old Routines

Old habits and routines could trigger a relapse, too.

If you start hanging with the same people or visiting the same places, it could trigger a relapse. Avoid going back to your old habits, routines, and behaviors. Instead, start developing a new routine.

You might not realize an old habit is a trigger until it’s too late. If you find yourself in a situation where you might turn to substance abuse, call for help. Relying on your support system can help you make positive decisions in the future.

Otherwise, you might experience peer pressure. The people who were once in your life might try to drag you back toward using. It’s likely you won’t remain sober long if you hang out with drinking buddies or your dealer.

Try to establish a structured schedule. Otherwise, a disorganized life could lead you to using again.

A weekly, structured schedule can also help you achieve your short- and long-term goals.

Do you want to go back to school? Do you want to build your career? Maybe you want to reach 90-days sober.

Either way, make a goal and stick to it!

3. Start Exercising

Alcohol and drug use can have a serious impact on your physical wellbeing. As you explore sober living Palm Springs options, consider exercising. Exercising can help you strengthen and heal your body.

In fact, exercising can trigger serotonin production. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that stabilizes our feelings of happiness and wellbeing. It impacts our ability to sleep, eat, and digest, too.

Without serotonin, you could develop depression. Depressing thoughts could lead you to start using again.

Add your workout routine as part of your schedule. Check out sober living Southern California activities like yoga and meditation, too.

You might need to prepare for PAWs as well. PAWS stands for post-acute withdrawal syndrome. It can last between six months to two years after you stop using.

PAWS can trigger a mix of symptoms, including:

  • Thought fog
  • Chronic pain
  • Limited ability to focus
  • Low energy
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Aggression, hostility, or irritability
  • Depression, anxiety, or sadness
  • Mood swings

These symptoms could become a barrier for your recovery. If you experience these symptoms, seek help.

4. Improve Your Diet

As part of your sober living Southern California lifestyle, reevaluate your diet. You don’t have to go on a juice cleanse. Instead, choose foods that can help you recover.

In fact, certain foods can help your body heal and recover from addiction.

For example, leafy greens can help improve your immune system. They contain manganese, magnesium, vitamin C, and other great nutrients. The antioxidants in these vegetables can offer immune-supportive and anti-inflammatory properties, too.

Try adding healthy proteins to your diet.

Eggs offer zinc, iron, and selenium. These nutrients can support your immune health.

Salmon is also packed with protein. The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon can reduce inflammation. They also promote wound healing and enhanced immunity.

Berries are packed with vitamin C, which can promote collagen production. Collagen can keep your skin supple and firm.

Otherwise, try adding nuts, seeds, and other healthy foods to your diet. Nutrient-dense foods can help you heal. Without a balanced diet, you could develop a nutrient deficiency.

You don’t want your health to decline more than it hands.

5. Consider Legal or Financial Problems

Part of an effective sober living California strategy is learning how to avoid future stressors.

Did your addiction cause any legal issues? You might have to deal with arrests, convictions, or legal fees. Maybe you lost your license after drunk driving.

Don’t avoid these issues. Otherwise, they could add to your stress. Instead, work with a financial coach or lawyer.

They can help you navigate the complexities of these issues.

Consider your financial situation, too. Did your addiction cause work-related issues? Did you lose your job?

Financial issues can also become a major stressor for relapse. Consider vocational rehabilitation. You can work with a career coach to practice interviewing.

With their help, you can find a job that suits your skills and experience. Then, you can start working to avoid financial issues in the future.

6. Build a Support System

About 40% of people drop out of Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) within the first year. About 75% of people who continue attending meetings remain abstinent. Building a support system could help you along your sober living California journey.

In fact, you might want to consider sober living homes in California. Sober living homes can help you transition after your rehabilitation. You’ll have a safe place to stay and focus on your sobriety.

Meanwhile, you can leave with people who have gone what you’re going through. They can help provide the support you need.

It’s important to develop healthy relationships and a support team. Otherwise, your sober living California plan might prove difficult to navigate alone.

First, identify any unhealthy relationships you had in a past. Avoid toxic relationships that could lead to a relapse.

Instead, look for people who have supported your recovery. You can plan activities with your support group and find healthy distractions. With their help, you can afford a relapse.

7. Identify Your Mistakes

As part of the healing process, it’s important to recognize your past mistakes. Otherwise, the guilt or shame you feel could trigger a relapse. You could put unnecessary pressure on yourself, too.

Guilt can lead to negative self-talk, which could trigger old habits.

Instead, speak with the friends and family members you hurt as a result of your addiction. Let them know you want to learn from your past mistakes. Taking responsibility for your actions is an important first step..

Then, you can make amends and grow from the experience.

8. Consider Talk Therapy

As part of your sober living California lifestyle, it’s important to gather sober living resources. You can rely on these resources the next time you feel triggered. For example, you might want to consider talk therapy.

Counseling will give you a chance to learn from a professional. They can help you cope with stressful situations. They’ll also help you identify your triggers.

If group therapy isn’t working for you, consider one-on-one counseling.

9. Stay Calm

As you use these sober living California tips, it’s important to remain calm. You might turn toward drugs or alcohol to deal with your emotions. Instead, learn how to manage your emotions with healthier methods.

10. Celebrate Your Accomplishments

As you use these sober living Southern California tips, take time to celebrate your accomplishments. Look at how far you’ve come. Celebrating your milestones can keep you on track with maintaining your sobriety.

You can stay motivated and remember why you started on the road to recovery in the first place.

Sober Living California: 10 Tips for Long-Term Success

Make your sober living California plans a success. With these 10 tips, you can stay on track. You can maintain your sobriety to live a happy, healthy life.

Remember, you’re not going through this alone. Consider looking into sober living homes in California. By living in a sober living California home, you can find the support and help you need.

Ready to start your search? We can help.

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